Friday, May 29, 2009

Parental Advice to David S.

-First, Learn to take 3 very deep breaths. Understand that life at it's most frustrating without kids, doesn't hold a candle to how frustrating it can be with them.

- Plan to be 20 minutes late for everything from here on out. Notice How I didn't say plan to leave 20 minutes earlier so that you'll be on time…because that doesn't work. Just understand that you are going to be 20 minutes late no matter how early you plan to leave. If you leave early they will have to go potty, or be fed or drop a nasty turd in their diaper.

-Learn to get by on less sleep. You're allowed to complain about said lack of sleep on Facebook, but only moderately. We've all been there and we all feel your pain and we will all definitely a point ...but nobody likes a whiner. Just do what everybody else does and increase your caffeine intake by 2/3’s.

-Snuggle with them. You will feel your tension disappear when they’re cuddled up next to you.

-Know that a restaurant and a Church and a playground are all the same thing to a small child. They're going to climb around, shout out and otherwise embarrass you in all three places until you teach them otherwise. They're's what they do. Be polite, of course…if they're crying in a public place just take them outside. But if the grumpy old dude one table over gives you the stink eye, I suggest just flipping him the bird mentally…it’s just better manners.

-They are going to get hurt. You can't bubble wrap them. But a freaked out parent means a freaked out stay calm even though your heart is in your throat (easier said than done I admit).

-You’ve got a little while before potty training but when you get there you’re going to realize just how filthy public toilets are. Bring lots of wipes.

-Never make a threat you can't or won't carry through on. Think before you speak...I learned this lesson the hard way.

-Play with them. They grow up faster than you can imagine.

-Everybody and their mother (and your mother and her mother) is going to give you advice on how to raise your kid (just like this). Some may even be so bold as to criticize you…Do what you think is best and ignore the rest. It’s your kid and your responsibility.
That’s all I can think of for now. GOOD LUCK!

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